6 Clever Ways Your Smartphone Can Make You Healthy

1. Set up "be healthy" appointments. Let your reminder function prompt you to do more than get to your next meeting on time. You can use it to remind ...
1. Set up "be healthy" appointments. Let your reminder function prompt you to do more than get to your next meeting on time. You can use it to remind you to take your medication or vitamins and schedule workouts (making it less likely that you'll bail). If you tend to be a night owl, set the alarm in the evening to prompt you to go to bed on time.Meditation is known to reduce stress, control anxiety, improve hearth health, and contribute to several other areas of wellness. This app leads you through guided meditations as short as one minute, just to give you that little break you need. A COUPLE EXTRAS Drink Water AquariumBy deleting the worst time-wasting apps on your phone, you will find yourself spending less time glued to your tiny screen. Only keep the apps that you need. Taking a minimalist approach to your smartphone is the best way to keep the distraction levels to a bare minimum. Accomplish this by only keeping apps that have practical value, like your .
Habit tracking apps are a unique way to set and achieve a goal that you otherwise might not have followed so closely. These apps can help you track progress for the healthy habits you want to start, and break unhealthy habits through reminders, discussion forums and day streaks. Top free habit apps: Habit-Bull, Done, Productive.Just turn on the “Access with Voice Match” option and the phone will have you say “OK Google” a few times to learn your voice. Now you can use the hotword any time the device is awake from any.
By deleting the worst time-wasting apps on your phone, you will find yourself spending less time glued to your tiny screen. Only keep the apps that you need. Taking a minimalist approach to your smartphone is the best way to keep the distraction levels to a bare minimum. Accomplish this by only keeping apps that have practical value, like your .
Just go to Settings > Apps to see all the apps installed on your phone. When you find an app that you don't recognize, uninstall or disable it. When you find an app that you don't recognize .
Hide everyone else’s like counts in “settings”, tap “privacy”, select “posts”, and toggle “hide like and view counts” to on. This makes Instagram feel less like a popularity contest. 5. YouTube.
Using a mindfulness app like The Mindfulness App or Calm, you can set aside anywhere from three to 30 minutes a day to conduct guided meditations and reset amid your busy lifestyle. Use Do Not.
6. Turn Wi-Fi off with your voice The future is here: Siri, Google Now and Cortana let you turn off Wi-Fi with your voice. Just launch your app of choice and say "turn off Wi-Fi" to achieve.

22 January 2019, 10:30 | Views: 214

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